Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 3 - EOC: Deeper Meaning of "Swingers"

In the movie, Swingers, a guy (Trent) teaches his friend (Mikey) how to start relationships or conversations with the opposite sex at lounges, bars, etc. He helps Mikey get back out there in the social scene with friends and other friends. By teaching Mikey how to interact with others, Trent is also shows how to network but not intentionally. Mikey starts to develop a clear understanding of how the social world works. He knows when to contact the person he just met or how many times to call. He knows how the body language works to go ahead and make his move. All these tricks and unwritten rules are very parallel to the way someone should be when they start networking. From the Muse networking advice articles, writer, Aja Frost, shares some suggestions that are also parallel to the movie, Swingers. Modeling successful people is a proven way to improve your own performance, what better than to be able to model people up close and personal? The tribe you select will have a profound impact on your work and life, so choose well. This is quote is definitely a mirror image of the movie because Mikey`s friends are helping him but sometimes they can ruin the way he likes to interact with people. 

Networking is a powerful tool when looking for a job, extending your career, or anything in the business and the non-business world. It`s the linking of people who through other relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another. This type of advertisement is a on-going, never-ending technique. Aja Frost gives this advice for people that feel like networking is fake. "If you dislike networking, it’s probably because it feels, well, fake. But rather than looking at it as a cold, calculated, “you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours” deal, think of it as “an ongoing, organic process of building relationships with people you like.” 

To expand your network and start your social life, get out there! This means visit as many groups as possible that spark your interest. Go to events or parties to socialize with peers or workers. Be aware of how people sound supportive of one another. Are these people networking already and advertising other people? Networking is about being genuine and supportive. Aja also gave this advice, "You have to build the trust and relationships and seeing how you can help others expand as well. Opportunities like joint ventures, client leads, partnerships, speaking and writing gigs, businesses or assets bought and sold … you name it." You want to leave your mark as your a powerful source for others. Everything from prime domain sales through to employment opportunities. If two people are equally qualified then it goes to who you know, like and trust. When you are known as a strong resource, people remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, names of other people, etc. This keeps you visible to them and memorable. Once you have met someone who can benefit to you, follow up with them. Express that you enjoyed meeting them, and ask if you could get together and share ideas. You don't want to follow up the following day, wait a few days or a week. This I learned was from the movie, Swingers. You don't want to seem desperate but you want to sound interested. Don't wait too long and miss your opportunity. You should follow through quickly and efficiently on referrals you are given. When people give you referrals, your actions are a reflection on them. Respect and honor that and your referrals will grow. Referrals are huge with networking! Therefore, your appearance, personality, professionalism, and work-ethic, affects those referrals and your reputation in the business world. The business world is very small, so that is the most important thing to keep doing while networking.

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