Thursday, November 20, 2014

Week 5 - EOC: How will you organize your job search time and follow up to get results?

When applying and searching for numerous jobs it can get very unorganized. The better organized you are, the better prepared you will be when applying and following on positions. That is why I am going to share some ideas and tips to keep organized and the right time to follow up to get results.

My first tip is to create a planner or workspace to track the job positions and companies your applying for. Make sure you have recorded the date and the website or person you have used to submit your resume and application to. This will help on what to reference when I asked or be able to know the turnaround time might be. So few people actually do this, and it is an excellent way to say “thank you.” It demonstrates your extraordinary professionalism. When you take the time and effort to keep people in the loop, it also solidifies your strengths in follow-through, and overall, makes you memorable.

Make sure when you have this planner you are creating a schedule for yourself to apply, submit, or a follow up plan. Having a set schedule to follow up will also help your mind off being overwhelmed. Set reminders to follow up until there is closure, but don’t bother them too much. If you are told to contact someone, put it on your calendar and this way it is more likely to get done, so you don’t forget.

One very important tip is to file or categorize e-mails or resumes, anything having to do with the company you are applying for. When applying to multiple jobs, this means multiple cover letters and resumes to fit the job description they need. With e-mails categorize any e-mails out or in so that way you can stay organized and have your job submissions filtered. The last thing you want to do is accidently talk about a different company to a different company.  

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